Our Programs
We offer two different coaching Tiers
I was told that I wasn’t allowed to call our tiers (affectionately) marmots and mountain goats so I’m going basic - Tier I and Tier II.
Tier II - $185/month
Premium Training Peaks account.
Weekly Training Plan.
Weekly training feedback.
One x month phone/video call.
Email and Text as needed.
Tier I - $285/month
Premium Training Peaks account.
Weekly Training Plan.
5-day a week feedback.
Twice monthly phone/video call.
Email and Text as needed.
Additional Options
If neither tier meets your needs and something a little lower cost and lower touch (but super smart) find my 100KM to 100-Mile program over on TRACER.
If you are an athlete from an underrepresented group in the trail and endurance community please reach out for special programming.